This information is to accompany the Information Summary and Consent Form provided to all participants in Our Future, Our Way

Our Principles

Ethical Practices

BDAC's ethical approach is guided by the four principles of the 2022 AIATSIS Code of Ethics for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research, which aligns to our strength-based approach to ethics.

How will we protect your information? 

Access to your information is limited to the Our Future, Our Way team.

BDAC is an Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation (ACCO) with strong procedures for maintaining privacy and confidentiality. BDAC's Privacy Policy can be accessed here.

During the project, information including your contact details, written notes and audio recordings will be stored in password protected computers via BDAC’s established document management system. The use of recording and information analysis software / websites will also be managed in line with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Your name and identifying details will not be used in reports or discussions. However, at times key knowledge holders may choose to have their ideas attributed to them.

How will we manage audio and video recordings?

We are using software that helps us transcribe voice recordings. This means we will make a full written copy of the recording that is linked to the audio. Wherever possible we will not use identifiable details to manage these recordings. The website we use is password protected and only the Our Future, Our Way team have access.

How long will we keep your information?

The information will be kept securely whilst it is required for the purposes of the project. After this time, both hard copies and electronic copies of the data will be destroyed. 

Culturally restricted information

We do not foresee culturally restricted information being gathered, however if this does arise, we will consult with Traditional Owners and Community members to ensure the appropriate permissions and management of information.

Data sovereignty & Community-led governance

Indigenous Data Sovereignty is essential to advance Indigenous innovation and self-determination. BDAC is passionate about the rights of our ACCO and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our Community to access, use and control data for our own governance, decision making and self-determination.

Copyright & Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property

Copyright of the report and project outcomes will be owned by BDAC. You will be provided with a copy of the final report, at your request.

Our Future, Our Way is guided by DJAARA-determined best practice in ICIP protection use and continuation. We draw on DJAARA’s Cultural Integrity Guidelines and will engage with DJAARA as a key stakeholder throughout the project.

The use of any creative pieces / artwork will also require more specific consent and copyright discussions.

Any content, including the stories, language, place names, personal names, or any other Cultural and Intellectual Property belonging to, or attributable to, a specific Aboriginal individual, group or community remains the property of that individual, group or community, and will only be used with the consent of the individuals who provided the information. Such information is not under any circumstances to be used, published, transmitted, broadcast, reproduced for any commercial purpose or any other purpose whatsoever other than with the express permission of the respective Aboriginal individual, group or community to which the information relates and then only with proper attribution, and in a way that maintains its integrity.

How is this project funded?

This project was initiated and led by BDAC with funding support from the Australian Government Department of Social Services. We may apply for additional grants to support the project.

This project is about building our Co-operative services together, for this reason we are not offering payment for participating in yarns or surveys. We can help Community who require assistance to access events, such as through travel support, or find other ways for you to contribute such as online forums or coming to you for a yarn. If you need additional support to take part, please get in touch with one of our team to discuss.   

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